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Marinduque Moriones Tradition


The Centurion Combative Self-Defense  Fighting Art of Marinduque Philippines




1. Do love the CREATOR with all your heart, mind, Body & Soul
2. Learn How to Respect your Fellow Human Beings and Senior RAS Eskrima practitioner
3. Study the Art Carefully with your mind and Body
4. Treat your Teacher & Class mates with respect & equality
5. Don't engage in any fight without reasoning
6. Love your parents, relatives and elderly
7. Help our Government establish Peace and Order
8. What you learn, spread it but with Permission from the RAS Eskrima Founders
9. Stay Low Profile and be humble to fellow human beings
10. Obey the Rules and Regulation of RAS Eskrima & Philippine Goverment whenerever you are in
11. What you see, what you hear in the Gym or training venue keep it for your self
12. Support RAS Eskrima Family in promoting the RAS ESKRIMA Art by establishing RAS Eskrima Training Academy in support of Philippines RA9850 with Reforma Clan permission & approval while maintain contact or update them if you transfer to another place

13. Train, support, & visit Marinduque Philippine to boost it Local Tourism



The core principle underlying RASystem Eskrima is to take control of your life and make the decisions that are right for you. RASystem Eskrima is truly a combat martial art, but it is also much more. Practitioners of RASystem Eskrima will hopefully spend only a small fraction of their lives fighting. It is important, therefore, to be able to use the same concepts and principles used in fighting to improve other, non-combat areas of your life. Each fighting principle can also be interpreted philosophically.


I believe that the practice of RASystem Eskrima and an understanding of its principles and philosophies should be a catalyst to putting each practitioner in the driver’s seat of his or her life. The development of great fighting abilities should give each of us the ability to be kind, compassionate, and loving by overcoming the fears that often manifest themselves as anger and hate. The truly competent warrior is not boastful. The truly secure person is free from the need to impress others with his or her physical prowess and free from the need for approval from others. He or she can be understanding, accepting, and kind without the fear of being thought weak for his or her kindness.


The reasoning behind the philosophy is to help each of you tap into the inner power that we all have and to help you to take control of and responsibility for your own life. It is designed to help you recognize how using positive energy and accomplishing goals of a positive nature are so much more powerful than negative thought and deed. Our worst enemy is often ourselves. Look inside yourself and overcome your demons of fear and insecurity and you will find a path to a happier life. No matter how many people you can beat in battle, you will find no lasting happiness in bringing harm to others. Competent fighting skills are important, but should be used only to protect yourself or those you love in times of danger.


You must choose your battles wisely. Your fighting skills should be a catalyst to enlightenment. By helping you to gain strength of character and confidence, your skills should give you peace of mind, thereby eliminating insecurity and giving you the capacity to be at peace and in harmony with others.


Filipino Marinduque Art

Reforma Eskrima Arnis System (RAS) inc.
Jimmy Rodelas Reforma
Over All Chief Practitioner


"The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching." -Aristotle

RAS Eskrima Principles: About
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